Thursday, November 2, 2023

Entry #7- "Fresh"

Fresh: A Documentary That Changed the Way I Think About Food

After watching the documentary film "Fresh," I have been left with much to think about regarding our food system. The film was enlightening and made me reflect on the food I consume and its source.

Free Apples Farmer'S Market photo and picture

A key objective of the film "Fresh" is to expose the problems associated with industrialized food production and promote a more sustainable and responsible food system. As well as educating the audience about the effects of our current food system, it offers alternative, healthy, and ethical ways to improve it.

Free Apples Fruits photo and picture

 A primary audience for the film seems to be people interested in sustainable agriculture, food ethics, and the environmental and social impacts of food production. Those who want to know where their food comes from and want to change the way they eat will be attracted to it.

The documentary emphasized the significance of comprehending the food system. Its tone conveyed the urgency of grasping this concept. It not only enhanced my understanding of the food system but also made me more aware of my own dietary habits.

Free Chicken Rooster photo and picture

The film was very impressive in several ways. The film depicted industrialized agriculture and its impact on the environment, including extensive pesticide use and environmental degradation caused by monoculture farming. I found this both surprising and concerning. Aside from that, I was impressed with the interviews with farmers and advocates for sustainable agriculture.

A disconnect between the food on our plates and its origins is often overlooked in our fast-paced, convenience-driven society. I was reminded of that disconnect during this film, which led me to think about the disconnect between the food on our plates and its origins. It helped me make informed food choices, as well as encouraged me to support local agriculture and sustainable farming. In addition to inspiring us to support sustainable practices, the film serves as a wake-up call to improve food choices to raise awareness of where our food comes from, what goes on in our environment, and how we eat.

Free Piglet Mammal photo and picture

While it might be easier to ignore the issues regarding the food we eat, I believe it is not the better option. Ignorance might provide short-term convenience, but in the long run, it can lead to health problems, environmental degradation, and ethical concerns. We should absolutely bother caring because our food choices have far-reaching consequences, and being informed consumers is our responsibility as individuals and as a society.

"Fresh" is a compelling documentary that left me feeling deeply reflective and motivated to make more responsible food choices as a result. There are several significant aspects of this film, including its purpose, audience, tone, and impact, all of which effectively emphasize the importance of being mindful consumers in a world where food production is often disconnected from our daily lives.

Free Man Wheat Crops photo and picture

Work Cited

Fresh. Directed by Ana Sofia Joanes, Ripple Effect Films, April 2009. 


  1. Your blog was illuminating, I especially loved when you said "A disconnect between the food on our plates and its origins is often overlooked in our fast-paced, convenience-driven society." That is such a valuable statement! I think what I loved so much is this film is that it all left us thinking, it's like we were called to make a change. Imagine how much more we would change if we watched more documentaries like this? I recommend you watch the movie Poisoned that came out this year! It's on Netflix, check it out and let me know what you think!

  2. Nice job on your blog! Your writing style is engaging. I really like the colorful images you chose that helped tie up your blog! Before watching "Fresh" I never cared to know where my food was coming from as long as it was "good", but now it really helped me realize that not only because something is "good" means its good for our health or the place its coming from is good. I got to say I was left with so much more knowledge I'm hoping to spread.

  3. Great organization and integration of links and images to help engage the reader. I'm glad to read that the film impacted you as much as it did.


Entry #10-Crafting a Self-Care Sanctuary

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